Journal of pediatric surgery author guidelines

Revista sochipe

Teixeira PG, Brown CV, Emigh B, Long M.Civil. El uso de torniquete prehospitalario se asocia con una mejor supervivencia en pacientes con lesiones vasculares periféricas. J Am Coll Surg 2018; 1072- 7515(18):30101-30107.

Kragh JF Jr, O'Neill ML, Walters TJ, Jones JA. Morbilidad menor con el uso de torniquetes de emergencia para detener el sangrado en traumatismos graves de las extremidades: investigación, historia y reconciliación entre defensores y abolicionistas. Mil Med 2011; 176(7):817-823

Wallin D, Yaghoubian A, Rosing D, Walot I, Chauvapun J, de Virgilio C. Angiografía por tomografía computarizada como modalidad diagnóstica primaria en lesiones vasculares penetrantes de las extremidades inferiores: una experiencia en trauma de nivel I. Ann Vasc Surg 2011; 25:620-623.

Balasubramaniam S, Teo YX, Chua FH, Cheng JY, Teo LT. Acute Trauma. Coagulopathy: Prevalence and Impact on Outcomes of Trauma Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2018; 47(2):82-84.

Dua EA, Patel B, Kragh JF Jr, Holcomb JB. Seguimiento a largo plazo y supervivencia libre de amputación en 497 bajas con lesiones vasculares relacionadas con el combate y reanimación de control de daños. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2012; 73:6.

Revista chilena de infectología

Neuropediatrics, New England J of Medicine, Lancet y British Medical J. Se realizaron búsquedas en la base de datos de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina (EE.UU.) (a través de PubMed) y en el Registro Cochrane Central de Ensayos Controlados (CENTRAL, The Cochrane Library) hasta abril de 2007 utilizando los términos MeSH intraventricular hemorrhage, newborn infants, premature infant, intracranial hemorrhage, phenobarbitone, phenobarbital.

Y en los países en los que el cuidado de los lactantes fuera del hogar se está convirtiendo en la norma, es imposible no preguntarse si los conocimientos actuales sobre las necesidades críticas de desarrollo del niño muy pequeño se están aprovechando al máximo.

La implicación clínica de este estudio es que no podemos confiar en el AIT como señal de advertencia que nos indique intervenir para prevenir un ictus, porque sólo se observa antes de uno de cada ocho ictus", afirmó el Dr.

Es miembro de veintitrés sociedades científicas y médicas, como la Sociedad Europea de Neurología Pediátrica, la Asociación Internacional de Neurología Infantil, la Sociedad Europea de Farmacología del Desarrollo...).

Revista chilena de pediatría instructions to the authors

Objective: to generate recommendations on the diagnosis and treatment of cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA), to serve as a reference and consultation for pediatricians and primary care physicians.

Materials and methods: this expert position paper was developed by a group of physicians, specialists in different therapeutic areas and with experience in CMPA. The most relevant topics were defined and a review of the available scientific literature was performed in order to elaborate a proposal of recommendations that was discussed by the authors.

Pediatrician and Pediatric Nutritionist. Faculty of Medicine El Bosque University, Institute for Research in Nutrition, Genetics and Metabolism, Bogota-ColombiaPediatrician Clinical Allergist. Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Antioquia, Medellín-Colombia.

Montijo-Barrios E, López-Ugalde MV, Ramírez-Mayans J, Anaya-Flórez MS, Arredondo-García JL, Azevedo-Tenorio I, et al. [Latin American guide for the diagnosis and treatment of cow's milk protein allergy (GL-APLV)]. Rev Invest Clin. 2014;66 Suppl 2:S9-S72.

Www revistachilenadepediatria cl

Meckel's diverticulum is an embryonic vestige of the omphalomesenteric duct, which normally regresses completely between the fifth and seventh week of gestation, located in the anti mesenteric border of the ileum and approximately 60 cm from the ileocecal valve. Its incidence is 2% in the general population, with a male: female ratio of 2:1. It has the same layers of the intestinal wall and in approximately half of the cases it contains ectopic tissue, being gastric in 60-82%, pancreatic in 1 to 16% and gastric and pancreatic in 5 to 12% of the cases. It has an asymptomatic course and is most frequently found during laparotomies or necropsies. Although it is true that the great majority of cases manifest as lower gastrointestinal bleeding, there are less frequent forms of presentation such as intestinal obstruction or intestinal perforation.    Intestinal obstruction associated with Meckel's diverticulum can occur as a result of herniation or intussusception around the fibrous cord extending from the abdominal wall to the diverticulum, meso, or intestinal segment, which can lead to severe obstructive torsion often causing necrosis and perforation.Five cases of patients diagnosed with Meckel's diverticulum with atypical presentation are presented, two of them with internal hernia, one with intestinal intussusception and two with blocked perforation.

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